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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Major Dangers During Pregnancy

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In a very small proportion of births, serious complications that affect the mother may develop. Until recent years these often progressed rapidly, and many mothers died during pregnancy. The tremendous improvements in prenatal care and deliveries about 3.4 in 10,000 live births. The poisonous condition known as toxemia of pregnancy is responsible for one-forth of these deaths. Its cause is not known, but rapid recognition and treatment of the early signs usually prevent high blood pressure and other very serious symptoms from developing later.

Spontaneous abortion occurs in a small percentage of women during the first 16 weeks of pregnancy, either because of some abnormality in the fetus or some condition in the mother that prevents her from carrying her baby for the full nine months. (The loss of the baby after the sixteenth week of pregnancy is called miscarriage.) In ectopic pregnancy, the fertilized ovum burrows into the fallopian tube instead of the uterus. Since the tube is too small to support the baby’s growth, the fetus is apt to burst through after if has reached a certain size, rupturing the fallopian tube at the same time.
Puerperal or childbed fever, which develops after the delivery of the child, has declined tremendously since the mid-19th century. At one time puerperal fever would sweep through a hospital ward, killing almost all the new mothers present. Dr. Ignaz Semmelweiss discovered that this disease was due to an infection the doctor himself carried from the dissection room or from a woman who already had the disease. Oliver Wendell Holmes, the American author physician, came to a similar conclusion at about the same time Semmelweiss make his great though much opposed, discovery.
Today we know that puerperal fever is a streptococcal infection of the lining of the uterus and that is spreads throughout the body. Because babies are delivered under strictly aseptic (bacteria-free) conditions today, puerperal fever has been practically eliminated. If it does develop it is promptly treated with sulfonamide (sulfa) drugs or antibiotics and usually responds very quickly.
A high proportion of these maternal deaths, especially from hemorrhage and toxemia, can be prevented by adequate prenatal care, better obstetric treatment, and the prevention and control of infections. Deaths from ectopic pregnancy, which account for 8 percent of maternal mortality, usually can be prevented by early diagnosis and prompt surgery. A major part of the responsibility, however, rests with the pregnant woman herself. She must learn the importance of seeking prenatal care early, of observing good health and nutritional habits during pregnancy, and of cooperating completely with her physician.
Community responsibility in this area involves the provision of adequate prenatal clinics and hospital and nursing facilities, especially in low-in-come areas.
Danger signals during pregnancy
Every expectant mother should be familiar with certain danger signals the might arise during the course of pregnancy. William Birch and Dona Meilach in their book, A Doctor Discusses Pregnancy, suggest that the following signs should be reported to the physician:
Any sign of bloody discharge from the vagina.
Persistent severe headaches.
Severe nausea and vomiting. “Severe” means several times within an hour.
Swelling of the ankles, feet, hands and face, particularly if any of these puff-up suddenly and the finger rings feel tight. (Slight swelling during the last months in hot weather is common.)
Chills and fever of over 100⁰, not accompanied by a common cold.
Continual abdominal pains that are not relieved by a bowel movement.
A sudden gush of water from the vagina.
Very frequent, burning urination.
An increased, unusual thirst, with reduced amounts of urine. If one does not urinate for an entire day despite normal intake of fluids, the condition should be reported.
Other dangerous conditions which can occur during pregnancy or delivery of the child are hemorrhage, infection (sepsis), accidental abortion, and ectopic pregnancy.
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Monday, June 27, 2011

Baby Breastfeeding

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When it comes to why your baby is crying during breastfeeding, here is what every parent should know about it. There are two first timers in the scene, the baby and you. There is a time to adjust and get used to the process.

But if the baby still cries, there might be something wrong. So if you want to learn more, I have just the right information on how to deal with this problem. First, you need to know a lot about the process of breast feeding and how important it is to you and your new born baby. Next, you should understand the benefits of breast feeding your child so you would also understand why it is very important to determine why the baby cries during breast feeding. You should then determine the reason why she cries and know how to deal with it. All of these information, you can find here. So, enjoy these info while you can.

Breast feeding is perhaps the most important, the most efficient primary source of nutrition that your baby needs during the course of their first year in life. This has lots of many different psychological and physical benefits that would do you and your baby good. Breast milk is a complete food source. It is also a source of warmth, comfort, security and tenderness for the baby. They need breast milk to make sure that they grow up having all the nutrients, antibodies and all the hormones that your baby needs for optimum development. As your baby grows, your breast milk also adjusts to the exact stage of development that you r baby is at. That is why your breast milk is for your baby alone.

Breast feeding has many different advantages and you will notice these things when you breastfeed them. Those babies that were breastfed are more likely to relax and fall asleep much more easier and quicker than bottle - fed babies. Just try to make sure that they feed enough before sleeping. The longer you breast feed the more you memorize how long it takes for a baby to get full. So if your baby sleeps before the schedule, nudge the baby lightly to wake them up and have them finish their breast feeding. This is the only chance and opportunity that you could get things right so you better not miss this chance because it definitely sets up and supports your child emotionally in the near future. They tend to be more emotionally secure if they are breastfed.

So why does the baby cries while breastfeeding? It might be because of certain reasons. It could be:
You might not be producing a steady flow of milk for your baby or you might not be producing any milk at all.
It could be that your baby might have troubles finding and / or staying on your nipple.
To address this concern, you should relax. You and your baby are first - timers, you should learn how to adjust. Just learn the correct latch position and you would eventually get it right.

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Baby Foods Breast

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Once a baby is born, the best way to continue to nourish him or her is by breast-feeding. Of course, a mother's milk is only as good as the raw materials her diet provides to make it, but the balance of nutrients in breast milk in a finest nourished woman is greater than those formula milks. One key aspect is the high amounts of essential fats required for intellectual development - this is why children who were breast-fed have higher IQs. Other research has established that breast-fed babies are less prone to infections, digestive problems or allergies. And for the mother, breast-feeding not only helps to shift any excess pregnancy weight (it burns up an extra 500 calories a day), it also reduces her risk of developing breast cancer in later life.

The best gift you can offer your child is to breast-feed them exclusively for six months. This is because their digestive tracts do not mature sufficiently before this time to tolerate any other type of food, and if they are exposed, then they are more likely to develop allergies. After six months, you can start to introduce your baby to the joys of solid food. When they stop sleeping through the night due to hunger - or start developing teeth - that's a good sign they are ready.

At the onset of weaning, give your baby food that is easy to digest - cooked, pureed vegetables and fruits are a good start (or choose sugar, salt- and additive-free organic pre-prepared baby purees). The longer you wait to give the most commonly allergenic foods, the less likelihood there is of your child developing an allergy to them. I recommend waiting until 9 months before introducing soya and 12 months for wheat, dairy, nuts and citrus. For all others, introducing one new food each day and being aware of any reaction (for example skin rash, eczema, runny nose, colic, diarrhoea, and excessive sleepiness) will also help you to spot any other potentially allergenic foods. And like healthy adults, healthy babies need food that is fresh, organic, unprocessed, additive, salt and sugar free.

For as long as you continue to breast-feed in between solid feeds, you don't need to supplement your baby's diet with cow's milk. However, once you stop, you will need to ensure they get a good source of calcium. Despite popular belief, milk does not provide the best source of calcium - sesame seeds, sardines, almonds, spring greens, watercress, Brazil nuts and kale all provide more and are also high in other minerals, essential fats and protein (but I don't advise introducing nuts and seeds until your baby is a year old). At this point, adding ground seeds to cereals and soups, making dishes with lentils and beans, and including milk occasionally or calcium-enriched soya or rice milk is the best way to achieve an optimal calcium intake.
Baby food ,solid foods ,vegetables ,infants ,infant formula ,formula ,solids ,solid food ,so easy baby ,six months ,parents ,nursing ,mothers ,introducing solids ,how to ,cereal ,breastfeeding ,breastfed babies ,storage trays ,so easy ,rice cereal ,product ,pediatrician ,nutrition ,mother ,little one ,liquid ,homemade baby food ,gerber ,freezer ,food trays ,food allergies ,finger foods ,calories ,breast-feeding ,breast pump ,breast milk ,breast feed ,breast ,bottles ,bottle ,bananas ,banana ,baby formula ,baby cereal ,babies.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Pregnancy milk

Pregnancy milk, baby, Pregnancy, pregnancy, breast, breastfeeding, breast milk, mothers, birth, protein, women, body, pregnant women, calcium, milk supply, diet, milk production, hormones, mother, colostrum, vitamin D . Breast milk is the perfect source of nutrition for infants. Breast milk contains appropriate amounts of carbohydrate, protein, and fat. It also provides digestive enzymes, minerals, vitamins, and hormones that all infants require. Breast milk also contains valuable antibodies from the mother that can help the baby resist infections.
Healthy infants have adequate iron stores to last until 8 months of age. Iron-rich foods can be started at this age. Your pediatrician or dietitian may recommend Fluoride supplementation in communities where water is not fluoridated (areas with less than 0.25 p.p.m. Fluoride).

Cow's milk by itself is inappropriate for infants less than 1 year old. The infant can develop an allergy to dairy products if given cow's milk to early in life. Although cow's milk contains most of the same components as breast milk, these components are not in the same amounts. Cow's milk also lacks the immune factors, called antibodies, that help protect infants until their own immune system fully develops.

Commercially prepared formulas may be based on non-fat cow's milk, whey protein, or soy protein. In order to provide a balanced diet for an infant, formulas are fortified with carbohydrates, fats, minerals, and vitamins. The antibodies found in breast milk, however, can never be added to formulas. Pregnancy milk, baby, Pregnancy, pregnancy, breast, breastfeeding, breast milk, mothers, birth, protein, women, body, pregnant women, calcium, milk supply, diet, milk production, hormones, mother, colostrum, vitamin D

Pregnant Man

Pregnant man,baby, wife, birth, Facebook, Pregnancy, gender, pregnancy, baby girl, Oprah, give birth, legally, Photos, family, Gives Birth, hormones, women, Movies, Barbara Walters, ABC News, Video, The transgender man who gave birth to a baby has showed off his daughter on an American television show. Thomas Beatie shocked the world earlier this year when he gave birth to daughter Susan, despite having had a sex change operation. Now Beatie, from Bend, Oregon, has revealed he is 10-weeks pregnant with his second baby. We are living the American dream right now and I couldn't be happier.
'I have my loving wife and this miracle of a baby, I couldn't be happier,' he told Good Morning America.Beatie, 34, was a former lesbian who had chest reconstruction and testosterone therapy, but chose to keep his female reproductive organs.

Beatie, who was born Tracy Lagondino, gave birth to Susan in June amid a blitz of media scrutiny. He had been inseminated at home by his wife Nancy, 46, with sperm from a donor. 'She (Susan) is such a happy baby, she loves to smile and laugh,' he said. 'I had a natural birth. People do recognise me now, I am really surprised, New York is a big city but people recognise us instantaneously now I think.

They say "That's the pregnant man".

'It is absolutely positive, 99 per cent positive. People when they meet us they just see us as a regular family. 'It is easy for people to see us as a family, because that is what we are, a husband, wife and child.' Asked if he can understood why some people did not see his situation as 'normal', Beatie said: 'I think everyone is trying to find their own definition of normal. With all the differences in the world, different is clearly normal.' Asked if he is still happy to be a man, he replied: 'Oh absolutely. There is nothing wrong with a pregnant man.
'It is just normal for us, it was completely the best decision for me to carry our child and we did not even give it a second thought.'

Beatie was also asked if he felt he could have given birth to Susan more privately'. 'I don't think it could have happened that way (privately),' he said. 'When I wrote the article for the Advocate, we were experiencing medical discrimination and we had legal questions we needed answers for. 'So we were talking to a gay and lesbian audience hoping to find answers and we couldn't find any. In our pursuit for answers this ensued.'
Beatie admitted that he had not spoken to his father since the birth of his daughter, but hoped to eventually introduce them to each other.

Asked if his family's negative attitude towards the pregnancy had been hard, he replied: 'Yes it has been hard.
'But Nancy's family has been incredibly supportive, her father and her brothers and sisters and children.'
And Nancy said that she was 'excited' about the couple having a second baby, even with the publicity that would surround it.

'I am so excited. Hopefully things will calm down and we can get on with our lives,' she said.
'It is neat to be able to educate people about different families and that is really what we are.
'There are so many different families out there and we are just another one.
'I have done this before (she has two other children) and what is wonderful is that I got to be on the other side of this and could support him through the labour experience and right through the pregnancy.
'I got to breast feed the baby, we are so closely bonded with her. He was able to carry her and I was able to breast feed her. Baby, wife, birth, Facebook, Pregnancy, gender, pregnancy, baby girl, Oprah, give birth, legally, Photos, family, Gives Birth, hormones, women, Movies, Barbara Walters, ABC News, Video.


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